At its annual meeting on 3 December 2013, an official election committee suggested a new board for the doctoral student union. The new board has now convened and assigned its tasks as follows:

  • Susan Lindholm from the faculty of Education and Society (LS) has been elected as the new chairman of the union with
  • Malin McGlinn from the faculty of Culture and Society (KS) as its vice-chairman,
  • Banafsheh Hajinasab from the faculty of Technology and Society (TS) as its accountant,
  • Åsa Ståhl from the faculty of Health and Society (HS) as a deputy member, and
  • Margareta Serder from the faculty of Education and Society (LS) as a second deputy member.

As our first official act we want to remind all members and those who want to become members of the union to pay the membership fee of 120 kr/ semester for spring semester 2014. In order to be valid from the first of March, it has to be transferred until latest 16 February. 

You can transfer it to Plusgiro 654080-1. Please include your name, address and your Swedish person number and send an additional mail with your name, Swedish person number, faculty and degree of employment to

Please do not hesitate to contact us in case you have any questions or suggestions!

We are very much looking forward to working with the union in 2014!

Susan, Malin, Banafsheh, Åsa and Margareta


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