Phd courses offered at Malmö University

Malmö University offers general courses for all its doctoral students. The different faculties also offer their specific courses. Check out information about Phd courses here in Swedish and English. Some courses only run once per year so make sure to check out the page in advance. Non-Swedish speakers have the right to request a doctoral course to be given in English but you need to sign-up at least two months in advance.

Career planning for doctoral students at the Faculty of Culture and Society (KS)

Are you considering pursuing an academic career after your PhD? AKL offers some courses to help you build a ‘teacher’ profile. The Dean at KS has decided (Dnr. KS 59-2015/312) that starting June 1st 2015, doctoral students that take one of the following courses

  • Akademiskt lärarskap (5 hp) / Academic Teaching
  • Att arbeta som lärare vid högskolan (5 hp)
  • Att stödja andras lärande (5 hp) / Supporting the Learning of Others

Phd student in the Faculty of Culture and Society can receive 140 hours of departmental duties in their time card (‘tjänstgöringskort’). Doctoral students can also choose to have the courses count as part of their credits (the course would appear in Ladok as part of their degree). However, students cannot receive both hours for departmental duties and credits. This decision only applies to doctoral students hired within the Faculty of Culture and Society. Doctoral students can sign up once AKL makes the course available. Doctoral students must inform their head of department (‘Prefekt’) if they sign up to one the courses. Read the official decision (‘beslut’) here in Swedish and English.

Courses at other universities 

PhD Courses in Denmark. Many times free and offered at near-by places like Copenhagen, Roskilde and Aarhus.

PhD courses in the Social Sciences offered at Norwegian universities

Summer Schools in Europe

For more information on courses and summer schools, check out our ‘News’ section.

Do you know other websites where you can find courses for PhD students? Send us the link!