Introduction for PhD Candidates fall 2021
The DSU just held an information on the introductory course for PhD candidates at Malmö university. The powerpoint is downloadable above. It includes information and links that can…
The DSU just held an information on the introductory course for PhD candidates at Malmö university. The powerpoint is downloadable above. It includes information and links that can…
SFS- the Swedish united student unions have published a comprehensive guide for doctoral studies in Sweden, se link below. SFS- Sveriges förenade studentkårer har publicerat en omfattande doktorandhandbok.
The doctoral student union are calling for nominations to the 2022 Doctoral Student Unions board! (For english see below) Doktorandkåren Malmö öppnar nu för nomineringar till doktorandkårens styrelse 2022….
On 18/5/21 the DSU gave an introduction to the union to new PhD students. The slides can be downloaded below.