Starting in autumn 2014 the alumnisection at Malmö University offers a mentorship program for doctoral students at MaH in coopration with the Doctoral Student Union. The purpose of the program is to provide opportunities for graduate students to start planning their work life after graduation as part of what is currently called “career planning” in the individual studyplan (ISP). Participating doctoral students are offered a mentor who is either employed in another part of the university than the doctoral student in question, or is working outside the university. The mentors role is to share their experiences and discuss future plans and opportunities after graduation. The program thereby also aims to create awareness outside of the university regarding the specific skills aquired through doctoral studies.

Who can apply?

Doctoral students at Malmö University can apply to the mentorship program, regardless of how much time they have left working as a doctoral student. This means that even those who have almost finished their time as doctoral students are welcome to apply and may continue the program even after completing their doctoral studies.

Applicants must be members of the Doctoral Student Union. Membership in the Union is 120 per semester. Read more about how to become a member.

Planned schedule

The mentorship program is scheduled to start in October / November 2014 with an operation time of one year. Before the program starts a mentor will be assigned to each doctoral student that sent in an application. Mentor and doctoral students are then free to meet as many times as they want during the year. There will be three occasions on which all mentors and graduate students come together for joint meetings that will feature talks by and discussions with invited guests.


Applications may be sent to Magnus Lindqvist on september 15st the latest.

Please do not hesitate to contact Magnus in case you have any further questions or comments. Magnus Lindqvist, 040-665 70 17 Innovation and Development.


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