The DSU annual meeting on the 19th of january takes place at Gäddan 8, G8505 between 13:00 – 17:00 (Agenda in English and Swedish).
It starts at 13:00 with a presentation by Aleksandra Popovic, the Doctoral Student Ombudsman at Lund university.
The DSU board will then present its annual activity report 2014 whereafter all members of the DSU are invited to elect a new Board.
We still need candidates for this election! Without your engagement, there will not be a centrally organized Union.
The DSU is represented in all central bodies of University governance through the Board members. During 2014, we (the current DSU Board) have managed to influence many decisions that concern doctoral student and we hope that this will continue in 2015, especially since the results of the internal evaluations will presented during this time.
Working for the DSU Board is very rewarding on a personal level, both in terms of experience of and insight into how the University is governed, and as an arena for making contacts both inside and outside the University. In addition, such work is very meritorious and counts as departmental duty.
If you are interested, send an e-mail to as soon as possible.