Dear all PhD colleagues,

The Doctoral Unions After-work series continues! We have four upcoming events:

  • Thursday 31 October – hosted by OD
  • Thursday 28 November – hosted by TS
  • Monday 16 December – hosted by DSU
  • Tuesday 21 January – hosted by the DSU board

For the next event, the Faculty of Odontology (OD) invites us to the Malmö Brewing Co & Taproom, Thursday 31 Oct from 16:30.
Please let Marie Nordström know if you will come (so they can reserve a big enough table) by emailing her at

When: Thursday 31 Oct at 16:30
Where: Malmö Brewing Co & Taproom, Bergsgatan 33, 214 22 Malmö
Hosted by: The MAU Doctoral Student Union & the PhDs at Faculty of Odontology
How: Just show up and please ask your PhD colleagues to join
RSVP: By email to preferably latest Monday 28 October.

Welcome – really hope to see as many of you as possible there!

Best regards,
Marika Hedemyr, event coordinator for the Doctoral Student Union at Malmö University

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