Malmö högskola is happy to announce that the Honorary Doctor at the Faculty of Culture and Society of 2014 Distinguished Professor in Sociology Bob Jessop, Lancaster University, will be able to hold a seminar with our Ph.D. community on Thursday the 23th of October, 9.15.

Contact on the 20th of September by the latest.

The evening before Jessop will hold a public SKIFTES –lecture.

Jessop has published extensively on state theory and political economy, and is the author of the books amongst others…
Towards A Cultural Political Economy: Putting Culture in its Place in Political Economy (2014, together with Ngai-Ling Sum)
State Power: A strategic-relational approach (2007)
Beyond the Regulation Approach. Putting Capitalist Economies in their Place (2006, together with Ngai-Ling Sum)
The Future of the Capitalist State (2002)
Nicos Poulantzas: Marxist Theory and Political Strategy (1985)

For those who want to read more and also download many of his publications.
and read an interview with him.

Please, let us know if you would like to participate in a seminar with Bob Jessop on the 23th of October.

Contact on the 20th of September by the latest.

We will also ask you to write an abstract of your research in max 300 words, which will be forwarded to Jessop in beforehand. The purpose of the seminar is for you to get comments from Jessop on your work, and to be able to discuss his work.

Mikael Stigendal & Carina Listerborn

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