In an effort to meet the urgent need for more comprehensive and systematic knowledge about writing and writing pedagogy and to generate meaningful and pragmatic answers to these issues, the Writing Unit at Malmö University and the Rhetoric and Composition Program at the University of South Florida will host the colloquium: 2014 International Writing Studies: Sharing Research and Pedagogies.

This colloquium aims to

  • Create an opportunity to bring forth international experiences of teaching academic writing;
  • Create an opportunity for both researchers and instructors to share their experiences of North American and/or European EFL theories and practices of teaching academic writing;
  • Generate insights into these theories and practices;
  • Explore and develop ways of working together with education technologies;
  • Explore the possibilities of researching writing through Big Data and corpus methodology;
  • Find solutions to common problems within writing instruction;
  • Form viable networks to facilitate future collaborative international research and pedagogical projects.

Visit their website for more information.

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