Department of Urban Studies at Malmö University pleased to invite you to the fall 2015 Urban Seminar series. This season, the focus is on narratives. How do planners, politicians, private actors, researchers, and citizens narrate and make sense of urban space?

Malmö Högskola, Autumn 2015 – Selected Fridays 14:00-16:00 – Niagara, room A0603 (6th floor) – Nordenskiöldsgatan 1, Malmö

25 September:
Negotiating the Past and the Future: The Case of ‘Nya Kvillebäcken’, Gothenburg
Dr. Helena Holgersson
Department of Cultural Studies, University of Gothenburg, Sweden

23 October:
Tales of Explorers. Narrative Conventions of Urban Ethnographies
Prof. Emeritus Rolf Lindner,
Institute of European Ethnology, Humboldt University, Germany.

20 November:
Contested Cities: Visions of Retail Regeneration, Moral Discourse and the Gentrification Frontier
Prof. Phil Hubbard
School of Social Policy, Sociology and Social Research, Kent University, UK

4 December:
Out of the Club. Tales from the Artistic Research Project ‘The Club Scene’
Dr. Katarina Bonnevier and Thérèse Kristiansson, MYCKET

Sign up to in advance to get coffee and cake during the break.

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