All PhDs are invited to the second Doctoral Student Union breakfast and annual meeting on January 26th 2016, between 09.00-11.00 in room NIA0404 in the Niagara building. The DSU will provide a breakfast and an opportunity to mingle with Ph.D. colleagues.

The breakfast and informal mingle will begin at 09.00. From 09.15-10.00, Research Support (Forskarservice) will give a short presentation on how they can help PhDs to apply for grants and there will be an opportunity for questions and discussion on this topic. Our annual meeting will follow this discussion, from 10.00-11.00, where the DSU board will present its annual activity report for 2015 and following this all members are invited to elect a new board for 2016.

Please note that the DSU is still seeking nominations for the 2016 Board! This is an opportunity for you PhDs who are interested in improving the quality of your Ph.D. education and would like to have a voice on important issues related to your work and research. You are welcome to submit your nominations at indicating contact details (name, email, phone number, faculty and department). All positions relating to the Doctoral Student Union Board are paid by Malmö University (in other words, your Ph.D. will be extended by the amount of time you work on the Board).

Please also try to let us know whether you plan to attend by giving a short reply to at least a day before the meeting, so that we make sure to order the right amount of food. Members are also invited to send in other points to discuss at the annual meeting (see agenda below). Please also send these requests to, again, no later than the day before the meeting.

Meeting Agenda, annual meeting 26/1 2016
1. Annual report from the current DSU board (this will be sent to all in advance of the meeting)
2. Budget 2016
3. Discharge for the current DSU board
4. Election of new DSU board
5. Election of a nomination committee for 2017
6. Statutes for 2016
7. Memberhship fees for 2016

Regards and very welcome
/Doctoral Student Union Board

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