
As part of the recent DSU-SULF PhD day, there was a presentation and discussion given by Barry O’Brien from PhD Career Link, during which he shared some of the tools he uses when coaching PhDs during their transition from academia to industry. Barry has helpfully provided us with the slides from his talk (which deal particularly with developing one’s LindedIn profile), as well as an introduction to useful links for PhDs looking to make this transition from academia to industry, and we are sharing Barry’s links and explanations here.


So on my site there is a tool – – you can upload your CV and also upload a job advert beside it, which will test how suitable your CV is matched compared to a job advert. This is important when trying to submit successful online applications via Applicant Tracking Systems.

CV advice –

These resources are great for people who ask – “What is that job title about?” or

This is an amazing tool that I use with clients to help them understand their transferable skills and describe what they did during their PhD:

Final thing – This is a link to our next free PhD Career Link Meetup in Stockholm on Sept 29th – limited places but sometime we also have them in other places in Sweden if other people want to run them –

Barry O’Brien – Founder
00 46 (0)7350 68683


Twitter: @phdcareerlink

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