To all PhD candidates at Malmö högskola

All PhDs are invited to the Doctoral Student Union breakfast and annual meeting this FridayJanuary 27th 2017, between 09:00-11:00

Our annual meeting would follow the breakfast event where the DSU board will present its Annual Report for 2016 and afterwards all members are invited to elect a new board for 2017. The meeting will be held in the K3 Studio on the 5th floor of the Niagara building, right beside the C-elevator (there will be a sign on the door).

The DSU will provide breakfast and an opportunity to mingle with PhD colleagues, to ask questions about the transition to University status and any particular issues regarding doctoral life that you would like to bring up.

Please note that the DSU is still seeking nominations for the 2017 Board! 

This is an opportunity for you PhDs who are interested in improving the quality of your PhD education and would like to have a voice on important issues related to your work and research. You are welcome to submit your nominations at indicating contact details (name, email, phone number, faculty and department). 

Working for the DSU provides an opportunity to engage with

the senior decision-making bodies in the University, and as such can be a very good and meritorious experience for those wishing to pursue further careers in academia.

All positions relating to the DSU Board are paid by Malmö University – in other words, your PhD will be extended by the amount of time you work on the Board.

Meeting Agenda, annual meeting 27 Jan 2017

1. Annual report from the current DSU board

2. Discharge for the current DSU board

3. Election of new DSU Board and electing a president for the Board!

4. Election of a nomination committee for 2017

5. Statutes for 2017 (the Statutes are at the website, and if you want to suggest a change to any of these at the meeting, please look at them)

6. Membership fees for 2017

Members are invited to send in other points to discuss at the annual meeting, please send any requests to 

All the best,

Doctoral Student Union Board Members

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